How to add a high performance devuan / debian / ubuntu / cpan repository cache (merged) with the security repo. Clean access paths: /devuan (merged devuan) /debian (debian) /debian-security (debian security) /ubuntu (ubuntu) /ubuntu-security (ubuntu security) /cpan (bonus) If none of these paths matches, varnish falls back to the local backend on port 8080. You
Category: debian
Android DAC bit-perfect playback – (chroot for rooted android)
Last week, I bought a new pair of in-ear earphones Jays q-Jays to challenge my old Ultimate Ears 700 I own since six years. I already resolder two times a new jack cable. That’s the problem only when you repair… it lasts too long. With these really good q-Jays, I looked to bring perfect to
Huawei usb 3g modem reset – linux
A small memo to manage usb reset for Huawei usb 3g modem: Get a persistant udev device: Edit: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-modem.rules SUBSYSTEM==”tty”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”12d1″, ATTRS{idProduct}==”1003″, SYMLINK+=”usbmodem” Reset the usb bus (quite rude but it is the only way i found to refresh the stack succesfully each time) and issue a ‘AT’ reset. #!/bin/sh # Reset USB bus for
Update any crucial ssd firmware from linux/grub
May 26, 2019: Updated version here: Github Crucial is selling many good ssds, and frequently releases new firmware. When you have to manage many version of these ssds, it is really time consuming to keep them up-to-date. ‘’ is a little script to generate a single grub config for any crucial ssd firmware upgrade. It’s
UD-503 mpd alsa config bit perfect
First of all, kill pulseaudio, burn it, it is useless for pure audio playback. Everything else, like kodi, with a hdmi audio output for example, will still work. In debian: # apt-get remove –purge pulseaudio # apt-get install mpd alsa-utils alsa-tools Now you have a clean straight mpd -> alsa. You should have recompile the
Teac UD-503 / UD-501 – snd-usb-audio patch
=== update Jan 26 === Patch accepted in upstream sound, should be in next 4.5-rc2 and next stable vanilla kernel starting from 4.5. ===/=== I bought a fresh Teac UD-503 yesterday and it was driving me crazy last evening, always disconnecting/freezing when switching from S16 to S32 format, or simply changing file rate. I was
Mele + DAC + MPD => the perfect bit-perfect setup
Mele is just a great little platform for so many usage. Since 2 weeks, i’m using one of mine as a bit perfect audio player: ultra low power consumption – always ready to play usb2 or spdif sata if you don’t have nas I’m using a Micromega MyDac in usb2 (299 Euros, the best sounding
Mele armhf 3.0.57+ / 3.0.42+ – kernel update
After many requests (sorry for the delay), you will find here new kernel updates for both images (debian headless and ubuntu w/GFX). UPDATE 5 – Apr 4 2013 GFX update – Updated mali driver + some modules like UVC. 1G: linux-armhf-gfx-1G-3.0.42-6.tar.bz2 (MD5: 8004415caaf82fd989b8f04cea441deb) linux-armhf-gfx-1G-3.0.42-6.tar.gz (MD5: 5efbd84a3ebece09b13c353a76ebcf88) Normal (512M): linux-armhf-gfx-3.0.42-6.tar.bz2 (MD5: 53c39f9e67061f78975755ef893b83fe) linux-armhf-gfx-3.0.42-6.tar.gz (MD5: 5abd088b05f19d5c5e25dd8a1ca718a5) /UPDATE
Mele headless: Debian wheezy (aka testing) armhf with nand install (v1)
I’m posting here a running (base) version of debian wheezy armhf (V1), kernel 3.0.42+. HEADLESS – Full network stack (netfilter, vlan, …) – NFS server – eth0 – wlan0 Easy to install on the NAND and ready to be tuned. I added an easy configurator in it (explain at the end of the post). The