Looking for an efficient and powerful HV bec for your servos and receiver(s)?
The Mini 560 DC-DC Step-down, which costs less than 1$, is able to output continuous 4A with 98% of efficiency from a 3S lipo (manages 2s to 4s).
The Mini 560 is available in 5V or 9V. A quick modification of a resistor allows to change the output current. You can either order a 5V or 9V… but the 5V modification is more tricky: SMD soldering.

With the 9V version, to output a solid 8.1V, just add a 100K resistor in parallel with the 14.3K SMD.
You can use the 2 smd resistors side (circle in red) to solder. It is linked.

More? redundancy and stability
Make it redundant with a second modified Mini 560 to 8.1/8.2V and add schottky 5A diode on each Mini560 [+] output. The schottky generates also a voltage drop of ~ 0.2V/0.3V. You have now a redundant BEC for 4$.
Make it more stable by adding a 470uF 16V capacitor on the output (after schottky’s output merge).